
New Film, Open Studio by Fiona

Preparations for Somerset Open Studios.  Photo: Seamus Nicolson

Preparations for Somerset Open Studios. Photo: Seamus Nicolson

During the past few months, starting in the extraordinary silence of lockdown, I created a project LIfe in the Undergrowth.  I’m excited to have just completed a film as the final outcome (watch below).  In contrast to creating sculptural installations, I’m very much at the beginning of my crossing into digital technology and film-making. This film documents my isolation project and represents my first serious experiments with film-making.

Life in the Undergrowth, Digital Film - duration 10:33 mins. Audio: The Healing, Sergey Cheremisinov

Special thanks to Arts Council England/National Lottery Emergency Response fund, Richard Tomlinson (Ignite Somerset) and Jack Robson for their support.

Time Capsules, found objects: rusty nails, plastic, ceramic fragments, glass bottles, wood, chain, teeth, bones, plant debris, lead..

Time Capsules, found objects: rusty nails, plastic, ceramic fragments, glass bottles, wood, chain, teeth, bones, plant debris, lead..

In advance of finishing the film, I created Time Capsules. The found objects are attached to each other with fine copper wire, like a net, suspended on a steel structure. They were excavated from the earth in my garden, each with a story - some known and others a mystery. During lockdown I dug up a lot of soil to make space for a studio bay. Some of the objects were buried quite deep... eg: giant molars from a large animal (horse, cow, sheep, rhinoceros..?!)  I borrowed the title from a phrase Cornelia Parker used to describe her work. The objects represent a moment in time, and time passing. Everything is connected. I love the shadows, which enhance the concept of time, memory, drawings, space.

For more about the project visit Instagram @life_intheundergrowth.

My Life in the Undergrowth project will be showing alongside some of my other work during Somerset Open Studios, opening next weekend (19 Sept - 4 Oct).  You’re welcome to visit by appointment.  This sunny start to autumn is perfect for a wander in the fresh air of my garden, and safe measures will be in place in the studio: Venue 70, West Cranmore, BA4 4RH. T: 07515537224 or E:

Glimpses of work for Somerset Open Studios.  Photos: Seamus Nicolson

Glimpses of work for Somerset Open Studios. Photos: Seamus Nicolson

To see other venues visit the SAW map

My work will also be showing at Somerset Rural Life Museum for Somerset Reacquainted. The exhibition involves 63 Somerset artists’ responses to lockdown, and brings together digital images, films, writings, objects and artworks.  Open 19 Sept - 21 Nov, Wed-Sat, 10-5 (pre-book, entrance fee applies).   There will be a series of podcasts.  I’ll be talking with other artists on Fri 2nd Oct, 6-7pm - hope you can join us.



I’ve been creating online resources and workshops for various creative projects, including SAW, Art UK and Make the Sunshine (image below). Links on my Workshops page.

Screenshot 2020-08-29 at 09.37.32.png

Last month was taken up with running my 5 week Online Sculpture Course. I had an inspiring group of people from different parts of UK and Europe.  I was thrilled with their responses, energy, imagination resourcefulness and enthusiasm. The range of processes and different outcomes was amazing (see below)! If you’re interested in doing the course next year please email me your contact details and visit instagram #onlinesculpturecourse2020.

Images (above): work by participants: L to R clockwise: Gina Glover, Nicky Oram, Jenny Graham, Sarah Herfet

Images (above): work by participants: L to R clockwise: Gina Glover, Nicky Oram, Jenny Graham, Sarah Herfet

Images (above) L to R:  Nicki Davey, Louise Wood, Belinda Cooper, Nicky Oram, Diana Terry, Gina Glover, Sarah Herfet, Louise Wood, Trudy Smith, Karen Chard, Sonia Hulejczuk, Maxine Alexander

Quotes from participants:

My confidence has blossomed..  I've soooo enjoyed this course! Sarah Herfet

This course gave me the inspiration and… impetus to actually… create something.  It also gave me ideas that I wouldn’t otherwise have thought about. Nicki Davey

It was a joy to find books and ideas which connected my experience as a maker within the context of contemporary fine art. Diana Terry

It has been a joy making and sharing. Nicky Oram

Brilliantly delivered by Fiona, through her weekly blogs/zoom and Whats App presentations. Gina Glover 

Accretion, RSS Summer Exhibition

It’s the last week of the Royal Society of Sculptors Summer Exhibition - if you’re in London don't miss it! The Exhibition has been guest curated by Robert and Nicky Wilson, founders of Jupiter Artland. I visited it in August and loved it! It’s a really vibrant, playful visceral show with a range of large and smaller intriguing works. My piece Accretion is a tentacular form - a metaphor for waste. The show is on until 18 September, Mon-Fri, 11am-5pm, Royal Society of Sculptors, 108 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RA

It would be great to see you at my Open Studio.

Keep well :-)

July News by Fiona


Life's become a bit hectic once again with an influx of work, making films for online workshops and the #onlinesculpturecourse2020 I’m running.   

As a result, my own creative output has slowed down considerably in the past few weeks.  The glut of found objects (nails, ceramic remnants, glass, bones, metal components..) I excavated from digging a huge mound of earth in my garden became the focus for a new piece (currently untitled). The finds - each with their own history - have been attached onto a 3d net construction.   Loving their wonderful state of decay. Like fossils, they have fired my imagination. The digging is to make space for an outdoor studio area - still in progress! 

I’ve also started making a film for @life_intheundergrowth and hope to have this completed by September, when I open my studio (by appointment) for Somerset Open Studios (19 Sept - 4 Oct).

My pond's finally been cleaned out by garden designer Mark Belcher (after 14 years!) so the fish, frogs and newts are happier now. The complex root systems of the pond plants had taken over. Such a mass of interconnected lines. 


There’s still time to visit the following live exhibitions:

Royal Society of Sculptors Summer Exhibition (Dora House, 108 Old Brompton Rd, London SW7 3RA, til 18 Sept, Mon-Fri, 11-5).  This year’s show has been selected by Nicky and Robert Wilson of @jupiterartland 

Incendiary at Pound Arts, (Corsham, SN13 9HX, til 7 Aug, open Tues, Thur, Fri 11-4; and 

About Trees at Heritage Courtyard Gallery, (6 Heritage Courtyard, Sadler St, Wells, BA5 2RR, by appointment).  

My work has also been selected for Hauser & Wirth's Homegrown online exhibition now live.   10% of gross profits going to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization as part of #artforbetter,  

I’ve taken part in Somerset Reacquainted - a creativity-in-isolation project for Somerset Art Works members.  The project encourages artists to refresh their engagements with the locality, using the ideas of reacquaintance as a starting point to discover and re-discover the excitement and purpose in their artistic practice. 

Online Workshops:

Creativity Works 30 Day Challenge (19 Aug)

Art UK Home School (coming soon)

Somerset Art Works Family Friendly workshops (19 Sep-4 Oct)

Make the Sunshine - The Happiness Hunt challenge (end of Aug)

Coming Soon:

This year’s Somerset Open Studios (September 19th– October 4th) will be a digital extravaganza, with some venues (including mine) opening by appointment.

Launching my Online Sculpture Course and other news by Fiona

I’ve made a showreel to launch my forthcoming 5 week online sculpture course.   Starting on 3rd August, I’ll be teaching participants how to create a nature-inspired sculpture using found and recycled materials.  

The course includes:

Weekly challenges

Step-by-step guidance at each stage


Exclusive videos and downloadable content

Online seminars

You will learn:

A range of 2-d and 3-d skills - from drawing and design to 3d wirework

Exciting ideas and techniques 

To explore different media and processes

To source and use recycled and found materials

Benefits of the course:

Work at your own pace from home

Learn in your own time

Individual advice, tutorials and one-to-one critiques

Share ideas

Learn safely 

Opportunity to connect with other participants in a friendly virtual space

Increase your confidence in creativity

Create an item for your garden or interior

After completion, you can revisit techniques


£80 incl free tools list (by 31 July)



Entangled I, 180 (w) x 110 (h) x 100 (d) cm, '20

Entangled I, 180 (w) x 110 (h) x 100 (d) cm, '20

My Life in the Undergrowth project continues (see previous blogs).  My ritual of gardening and documenting has become a rhythm. Exploring new boundaries, free from conceptual dividing lines, drifting between gardening and art, some days are productive others more a blur.  I’ve been getting absorbed in the present, nature, looking at tiny details. Trying to surrender to the moment and allow things to just happen. 

I’m making a film which records a few of the goings on in my garden. I’ve formed a stronger bond with all that comes and goes. Sometimes this has been emotional. Strange incidents happen, stories of life and death - some have been wonderful to witness, others very sad. 

A young rook and blackbird may have died from pesticide poisoning as there have been other similar incidents locally. I watched their behaviour and subsequent deaths. I sat with the rook, left it water and worms, tried to help it, but in vain.  Slug pellets, crop pesticides and other toxic chemicals we use to deal with ‘pests’ seep into the food chain. There are countless eco-friendly ways to protect our veggies - egg shells and copper wire for slugs, marigolds for aphids, or just ‘stay with the trouble’ (Donna Haraway). The rhubarb leaves I’ve been watching decay seemed the right thing to wrap up the bodies.

I’ve approached the project as an art residency. Encounters between myself, the garden as site, and nature, without an audience, in order to gain understandings and make new connections. I’ve been interested in transformation, the entanglement of roots, worms, shoots, earth.  Aristotle called worms; ‘the intestines of the earth’. Bird communication; the vitality of nonhumans; cultivating my aloneness.  Excavating the earth, I’ve been uncovering a glut of old rusty nails, bones and ceramics. It’s been a meditative process.  I am the instrument, allowing creative energy to emerge in its own time. As I make pieces I’m aware of Donna Haraway’s words: ‘life lived along lines… a series of interlaced trails… make kin in lines of inventive connection... stir up potent response.. and rebuild quiet places’.

You can follow my Life in the Undergrowth instagram page to see the journey @life_intheundergrowth


Other news

I’ve been doing digital training via Creativity Works, which has been a great help. It’s a long, windy road but I’m on it!


This week I drove to London to collect Glut from the Royal Society of Sculptors Gilbert Bayes Award Winners Exhibition - finally over after its extended lockdown.  At the same time, I delivered Accretion for the RSS Summer Show, opening 13 July. It was the first time I’d worn a facemask for covid protection - a requirement for de-installation. I made my own - hand dyed (with avocado pits), hand painted and hand sewn. I thought a pangolin made an appropriate statement about the origins of covid19 and the wildlife/meat trades in China, which I abhor.

Huge thanks to Arts Council England and National Lottery UK for the Emergency Response Fund enabling me the time to be creative and develop skills.  Thanks also to Richard Tomlinson (Ignite Somerset), Jack Offord, Jack Robson, Dave Cable, Caroline Bond, Duncan Simey, John Taylor, 35 mil, S-J White, Jason King, Juliet Lawn, Jennifer Moyes and Carrie Grainger for some of the footage for the film (see top).