Lenticular prints on 30 buses in Somerset
1515 x 699mm & 580mm x 200mm
All the Colours was a community art project in Somerset, UK, 2021. Part of Seed Sedgemoor’s Art First art on buses project, Fiona was commissioned as a lead artist. Working with bus passengers of Sedgemoor and beyond, she invited the community to create and submit collages and photos reflecting on their responses to a journey, a particular experience, mood, feeling, moment, personal or global memory in ’20-’21.
Fiona reached out to as many local groups and individuals as possible, appealing for image submissions in one dominant colour. The images formed part of a co-created artwork which were transformed into a holographic Chameleon. This changed colours at different viewpoints. The image was featured on 30 buses around Sedgemoor for passengers and the community to enjoy.
All entries feature in an online gallery and were entered into a prize draw to win 2 free family tickets to the Somerset Rural Life Museum, Glastonbury.
Alongside designing chameleon images for the co-created hologram artwork, and collating image submissions, Fiona ran workshops with the community to create collages for the project. Participants ranged from 8 yrs old - adult.
'It was so lovely to connect with some lovely like-minded people’ (Lesley Innes, participant)
‘It was really fun.. it was my first time doing such a project’ (Vasu Tolia, participant)
‘The design process [see film ▶︎] involved several stages, some completely new to me! Initially I created 3 chameleon paintings in different colour schemes, plus a background. After compiling all the community’s image submissions, I used software to import them into the chameleons as photo mosaics, ready for lenticular printing. I’m grateful to Neil Lumby for his input preparing the artworks for the printing stage’. Fiona
Chameleons are now endangered species. They represent diversity, adaptation, colour change. The overall idea was about embracing and appreciating our differences.
Lenticular prints are holographic, making images almost cinematic. It’s a technology in which lenticular lenses are used to produce printed images with the ability to change or move as the image is viewed from different angles. As the bus moved, or viewers moved past the image, the chameleon changed colour, depending on viewpoint.
The title All the Colours conjures thoughts about our multitude of perspectives. Mosaics of people’s faces and experiences on the news, zoom images, social media.. have dominated our world lately. Colour and our differences has been a running theme. The black lives matter movement highlighted inequalities in human skin colour; the rainbow represents our appreciation of the NHS. Climate change is all about our changing world.
© Copyright Fiona Campbell. All rights reserved, 2021

A film showing the stages of creating a lenticular artwork for buses of Somerset. The holographic chameleon image, created by Fiona Campbell through a complex design process, is a photomosaic combining many images contributed by the community. The project was commissioned by Seed Sedgemoor for Art First, 2021.

Fiona ran workshops with the community to create collages for the project. Participants ranged from 8 yrs old - adult. The images were complied by Fiona into a digital photomosaic, which formed part of the final hologram Chameleon.