Canopy (detail)
4.5m diameter
Recycled and found materials: Copper wires, plastic cables, fruit nets, twine, wool, silk from Cambodia, like fish bones, feathers
Mekong Garden, Chelsea Flower Show, London
Photo by Anna Kapuvari
Commissioned by multi gold-award winning landscape designer Sarah Eberle FSGD as a focal piece for her RHS Chelsea Flower Show Viking Cruises Mekong Garden in 2016. The artisan garden was inspired by Cambodia’s floating gardens and artisanal fishing techniques in the Mekong River region. Fiona created the 4 metre textured canopy by hand-weaving fine copper wires to construct the base net structure, then layering and weaving into this with found and recycled objects including fruit netting bags, silk reels brought back from Cambodia, and fish skeletons.
Fiona was approached by Sarah after seeing her installation piece ‘Lichen' at the Maureen Michaelson Gallery stand at GROW London 2015. Fiona also made a series of wire basket props. The canopy was suspended from whittled, bound hazel sticks, on a steel structure made by Fiona, overhanging a floating boat made by Nick Weaver.
The garden won gold and best artisan garden.
© Copyright Fiona Campbell. All rights reserved, 2021
Canopy created for Viking Cruises Mekong Garden, designed by Sarah Eberle, RHS Chelsea Flower Show