Of Bones (detail)
160cms (w) x 210 cms (h) x 45cms (d)
Found wood, reclaimed steel, copper wire, handmade khadi paper, wax, glue
Photo by John Taylor
We are all of the earth; the earth is flesh and bone. ‘Of Bones’ demonstrates a relational play of human-made and organic materials. The juxtaposition of fragile, translucent parched ‘bones’ against metal and wood sets up dynamic tensions. Cast branches as limb-like forms are playful abstractions. It references Picasso’s Crucifixion series inspired by Matthias Grunewald. Christ’s tortured hand is interpreted from the cast of a found piece of gnarled wood. The work also references Goya’s ‘Disasters of War’ series and Mark Dion’s trees. Regarding humanity, Christ’s words from the cross: ‘they know not what they do’ resonate.
© Copyright Fiona Campbell. All rights reserved, 2021