Lichen (detail)
7m x 3m x 7m aprx. Scale varies according to site
Reclaimed and found materials: steel, copper, lead, twine, wire, plastic netting, & nitrate
Photo by 35 mil
Lichen was originally created for the Abundance Garden Trail, 2013, a Somerset Art Works/National Garden Scheme site-specific commission. Inspired by her selected garden ‘Esotera’, in Foddington, Somerset, Fiona created the Garden of Eden, an installation based on the idea of nature’s repossession. The Garden of Eden was almost tangible at Esotera. Transformed from nothing into an idyllic environment, abundant with creatures and plants living harmoniously, the garden emanated a Utopian ideal. The root meaning of Esotera is 'of the earth’. Fiona’s work related to some of the textures and forms, nature’s return to Eden, using vibrant found and reclaimed materials collected from the area.
Lichen was the main part of the installation. A large piece spanning 7 metres, it was set in an enclosure of silver birch trees. The work combined a range of reclaimed/found objects and materials, transformed from locally sourced scrap to organic forms reminiscent of lichen found in the garden. Giant and small colourful structures were presented as fantastical freestanding sculptural forms, some delicately suspended from the surrounding silver birch trees, some layered, giving visitors an element of surprise as they were discovered.
“Welded, woven and wrapped, the forms took shape in response to this garden of earthly delights – lovingly nurtured by its owners and adopted as their home by a diversity of wild life.
I wanted to surprise, inspire and engage all ages. Working with a plethora of found and reused materials, my challenge was to create a garden of eden that was in itself abundant, evoking ancient, primal forms, the cycle and triumph of life.
Sunlight really made the work glow with mirrored dappled autumn colours. Even the rain created its own dimension; melodies of sounds tinkling on metal surfaces, dew drops reflected and it was thrilling to watch new shoots emerge - serendipity that magnificent fungi should sprout through work inspired by lichen.” - Fiona
“Brilliant connection with nature. Full of surprises” - Gina Westbrook, TakeArt
© Copyright Fiona Campbell. All rights reserved, 2021

3.7 x 2ms
Installed at Sidcot Arts Centre for ‘Of Form and Texture’ exhibition.
Photo by Max McClure @ Sidcot Arts