Pupil Referral Unit, Taunton, 2018
Fiona Campbell worked with with PRU teenagers aged 14-16 and staff on a 4-day Young ProspectUS residency via Somerset Art Works at Taunton Dean Partnership College. The aim was to provide an opportunity for the young people to work creatively in a quality college environment, learn new skills and develop confidence. Fiona’s role was to facilitate and encourage an open-ended, experimental approach using reclaimed and found materials, with an environmental theme. The group created mutant sea creatures and built a dystopian coral reef, evolved from our plastic oceans, related to the issue of waste. Students explored a range of metalwork processes.
Lisa Roberston (Deputy Head of PRU Centre) said: 'A lot of the process in working in a PRU is quite subtle, and Fiona adapted to this really quickly… students were happy to return and work with her again, creating work in a new medium which for them can be a real challenge, taking them out of their comfort zone… The outcome itself is fantastic!'
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