In April I will be working in a residency at the Cells, Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, culminating in an exhibition in May. I’ll be using the residency as an opportunity to test new ideas, responding to the unique site. ‘Offenders’ will confront uncomfortable topics related to environmental exploitation using mainly recycled and found materials.
Residency: 1-30 April, Exhibition: 1-31 May
Launch: 9 May, 6-7.30pm - all welcome!
Open Mon-Fri 10am–4pm; Sat 10am-2pm
During the Easter holiday I’ll be running a 3d wire workshop, Tues 9 April, 10am-1pm, ages 6+ (£15 per adult+child; additional children £8 each; includes materials & drink), Town Hall Arts, Market Street, Trowbridge BA14 8EQ. Book: