Current and Forthcoming

Spring News by Fiona

Now that the cold spell is over, I feel a Spring update is due.

In my week’s residency at Walcot Chapel, Bath last month as part of my MA, I made a piece (image above) in response to the site, current waste issues, and Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner.  It was inspired by the plight of 1000’s of albatross chicks dying from stomachs filled with plastic.  Entitled ‘Instead of a Cross, an Albatross’, it is a kind of altarpiece. The steel and copper components echoed the trees and shadows through the window.  Later this year I’m hoping to make work involving some participatory interaction with the public using waste materials.

Ongoing work is also being influenced by a book I’ve just read Planet of Slums by Mike Davis, which reveals horrific realities as a result of our rapidly growing worldwide poverty, rich/poor divide - cruel slumlords, neglect and harrowing deaths.  Factory farming (particularly a film 'Our Daily Bread') is also affecting my thoughts, and the loss of Tilly, our beloved boxer dog, who died at the weekend.  These experimental process pieces are all made from scrap materials.

On a lighter note, I continue to teach All Hallows Prep School students extra-curricular art.  I'm proud to see some of their work selected for the Black Swan Young Open, starting this Saturday.  Last week I ran a workshop with several groups of children Years 4-8 at Hazlegrove Prep School, making a 1.75m flying albatross sculpture out of recycled plastic and wire.

This Saturday, I’ll be running a collaborative workshop with Aya Kobayashi and Stephen Ives as part of BBC’s Get Creative event and Black Swan Arts Young Open exhibition, sponsored by Visual Arts South West.  It will explore the creative process - how to shape an idea into form - experimenting with sculpture and sound technology, combining found/reclaimed materials.

Book soon via Eventbrite ( - spaces are filling up!

This season, I’ll be showing 2 of my sculptures in the The Cotswold Sculpture Park, The Paddock, Somerford Keynes, Cirencester GL7 6FE from 1 April – 30th September, 10.30am-5pm (closed Tues and Wed),  admission £5.

I've visited a few exhibitions locally including Messums Museum's 'Myth, Material & Metamorphosis' (that's a mouthful!) – fantastical sculpture by Kate McCgwire and Ann Carrington (image below), ceramics and narrative paintings with many surprising gems.  It's always a joy to visit the wonderful tithe barn showing consistently high quality, exciting contemporary art.

At The Edge, Bath, the Jerwood Drawing Prize comprises some great pieces.  Amongst others, I loved the thick roll of paper covered in pencil – like a gleaming sheet of metal.

I’ve been invigilating at Hauser & Wirth Somerset for ‘The Land We Live In - The Land We Left Behind’.  It’s been good to be able to keep returning to study the exhibits (numerous artworks/artefacts of interest).  I’ve also managed to sell a couple of small pieces through the Honest Shop - part of the show.  I’m doing a talk for Hauser & Wirth's Sound Bites programme on Beatrix Potter’s drawing of fungal spores entitled ‘Absidia’, Thursday 29 March, 2pm. Come along, it’s free!

Happy springtime!




Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions 2017 by Fiona

I will be taking part in the following exhibitions this year: Bath Spa University MA Open Studios, Dartmouth Ave, 25-27 January

Walcot Chapel MA Fine Art Residency. 13-20 Feb. Open Eve Mon 20 Feb, 6-8pm, Walcot Chapel, Walcot Gate, Bath BA1 5UG

'The Future Can't Wait', MA Show, Long Gallery, Black Swan Arts Centre, 2 Bridge St, Frome, Somerset BA11 1BB, 18 March - 5 April. Preview Fri 17 March 6-8pm

Wylye Valley Art Trail, 26 May - 4 June

Fresh Air '17, Quenington Old Rectory, Quenington, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 5BN, 11 June - 2 July, open daily 10am-5pm, £5 Adults, children free

Bradford-on-Avon Sculpture Garden, 'Lynchetts', 15, Woolley Street, Bradford-on-Avon, 24 June - 2 July, 11am-6.30pm, closed Mon

Fifty BEES: The Interconnectedness of All Things, ACEarts, Somerton, 1-22 July, open Tues - Sat, 10am-5pm

Summer Sculptures, Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset, BA6 9EL, 1 July - 1 October (normal admission applies)

Evolver Prize '17, Thelma Hulbert Gallery, Honiton, 8 July - 26 August

NGS Open Garden, Benter, Somerset, 23 July, 10am-5pm

'Form and Fascination', Courts Garden National Trust, Holt, Nr Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, BA14 6RR, 9 September - 15 October (closed Wednesdays).  Last entry to garden 5pm.  My work will be shown alongside Ian Turnock's.  Private View Fri 8 Sept 6-8pm

Somerset Art Weeks Festival 'Prospect'.  I will be taking part in 2 exhibitions with Angela Morley, spanning East and West Somerset.  'Ephemeral and Eternal', Round Tower Gallery, Black Swan Arts, 2 Bridge St, Frome, Somerset BA11 1BB, 16 September - 7 October, 10am–4pm, Mon to Sat, (open Sun 1 Oct); Preview Fri 22 Sept 6-8pm and Clayhill Arts, Clayhill Farm, Charlynch Lane, Bridgwater TA5 2PH, 23 September - 8 October, 11am-6pm, Wed-Sun

As part of Somerset Art Weeks Festival we will be running workshops: Black Swan Arts: ‘Organic Forms’: Wed 4 Oct, 1-3pm (Angela Morley); Sat 7 Oct, 10-12 or 1-3pm (Fiona Campbell); book via; Clayhill Arts: ‘Organic Forms Found Materials’ Sun 8 Oct, half day or full day (Fiona Campbell); or ‘Organic Forms Willow Weaving Sun 8 Oct, half day or full day (Angela Morley), or combination of each: book via

MA Degree Show, Bath School of Art & Design, Sion Hill, Bath, BA1 5SF, 23 - 27 Sept, 10am-5pm.   This will be an interim show for me, being my first year of two, part-time

Black Swan Arts Open, 2 Bridge St, Frome BA11 1BB, 2-29 Nov, 10am-4pm, Mon to Sat

More details to follow on these and other exhibitions.



Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions 2016 by Fiona

I will be involved in the following exhibitions this year: The Viking Cruises Garden, RHS Chelsea Flower Show , Royal Hospital, Chelsea, London SW3 4SL; 24-28 May '16.  I am creating a large woven canopy as a focal piece for Sarah Eberle's garden, inspired by Cambodia’s floating gardens and artisanal fishing techniques in the Mekong River region

The Hidden Garden Art Show, Maureen Michaelson Gallery, Hampstead, London; 4 - 12 June.  On Sunday 12 June this Gallery is also hosting a day as part of Chelsea Fringe Festival, where I will be demonstrating my sculpting techniques from 11am - 5pm, with a talk at 3pm. or

1000 Postcards, Black Swan Arts Centre, Frome; 18-28 June (Preview Evening Fri 17 June, 6-8pm).  Sale of 1000 Postcards (original artworks), many by famous artists and celebrities at an affordable £30. Exhibited anonymously (signatures on back), with list of contributors displayed. Funds will refurbish the historic Round Tower

Secret Swans, Frome (trail as part of Black Swan's 30th anniversary celebrations and Frome Festival); 1-10 July.  Trail of 30 related artworks in various media/scale displayed at indoor and outdoor public venues around Frome. Information sheets/list of artists/venues available at Black Swan.  Secret auction at each venue

Devon Recycled Sculpture Trail, Teignmouth seafront; 23 July - 4 Sept.  My new piece 'Resurrection' will be on show alongside a range of other artworks

'step in stone', Salisbury Art Centre; 18 Aug-24 Sept, open Tues-Sat, 10am-3pm. Private View Fri 19 Aug 6-8pm.  The artscapes-in-quarries project I ran last year goes on tour.  This exhibition tells the story of a unique event held in the summer and autumn of 2015.  14 local/international artists created site-specific artworks in response to the nature of quarries and their place in the environmental, cultural and industrial heritage of the region

Somerset Open Studios 2016, Laundry Cottage, 13 Cooks Lane, West Cranmore, Somerset BA4 4RH; 17 Sept–2 Oct.  Showing with Nick Weaver.  I will be running a Taster Wire Workshop, Sun 25 Sept, 11.30-12.30.  £6 pp. To book contact:
Quartz Festival 2016, ‘Outside In’, Queens College, Trull Road, Taunton TA1 4QS; 15-22 Dec.  Collection of work based on the natural world from over 40 artists and makers from South West UK

Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions by Fiona

Second Time Around – The Hubcap As Art  Landfillart Exhibition, Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, Winchester, Virginia, USA  7th Sept '14 - 1st March '15 Showing with Maureen Michaelson Gallery in the following 2 exhibitions, in association with Chelsea Fringe:

Hidden Garden Art Show, Maureen Michaelson Gallery, Hampstead, London NW3; Saturdays and Sundays  6, 7, 13, 14, 27, 28 June, 2 – 6 pm.  Weekdays by appointment.

For full visitor information, please contact Maureen Michaelson Gallery on 0207435 0510 or or visit:

GROW London, Hampstead Heath, London NW3, Maureen Michaelson Gallery, Stand J9; 19 - 21 June, 11am - 6pm.  Full information:

Art Parks International Sculpture Festival, Sausmarez Rd, St Martin, Guernsey GY4 6SG, May -  October

step in stone art in quarries trail in the East Mendips, Somerset curated and managed by me in partnership with Somerset Earth Science Centre, Black Swan Arts, Somerset Art Works, Mendip Hills AONB, Somerset Wildlife Trust

Phase 1: 8 July - 18 October – exhibition/art installations/workshops/talks/guided walks - Somerset Earth Science Centre, Stoke St. Michael BA3 5JU (open to all public Weds 9-5)

Phase 2: 15 August - 18 October – exhibition/art installations/guided walks - Halecombe (working quarry, peripheral public pathway); Westdown (massive disused quarry), Chantry (both open 7 days a week)

Phase 3: 3-18 October, finale fortnight tying in with Somerset Art Weeks Festival '15 and Momentum programme - exhibition/art installations/workshops/talks/guided walks - Fairy Cave Quarry (open 11am-6pm daily); Black Swan Arts Centre, 2 Bridge Street BA11 1BB and Frome Museum (open 10-4 Mon - Sat, open Sunday 4th, closed Sun 11, 18th)

For further information, please visit: or contact me

Past, Present, Future: SAW Projects Showcase, 44AD, 4 Abbey St, Bath, BA1 1NN 29 Sept - 11 Oct, 10am - 4pm

Time and Place, Somerset Art Works, Art at The Heart, Royal United Hospital, (Central corridor, Zone B & Courtyards), Bath BA1 3NG 9 Oct '15 - 15 Jan '16, 8am-8pm

Bristol Green Capital in the Frame, Grant Bradley Gallery, 1 St Peters Ct, Bedminster Parade, Bristol BS3 4AQ  5 Dec '15 - 2 Jan '16; Private View: Fri 4 Dec 6-9pm