work in progress

Gathering by Fiona

January is supposed to be a time for reflection, but with many projects gathering and colliding, it was full-on for me!  I think it was my busiest January ever. On the last day of the month I celebrated and took a much-needed breather with friends at Dawlish Warren beach - while collecting all sorts of goodies for ongoing work ;-)

Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand

I’m developing my series of multi-forms for an exhibition later this year: Together We Rise, Chichester Cathedral with RSS members, curated by Jacquiline Creswell.  The work’s inspired by the plight of pangolins, slaughtered/shipped in their thousands, wildlife wet markets and animal extinctions. The working title is Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand, after a series of Renaissance paintings (mainly by Durer) of the same title.

Stitch by stitch, a growing collection is slowly gathering in my studio (images above). I’m using recycled materials that are layered, hand-stitched, wrapped, tie-dyed with plant-based inks, and waxed over woven structures.  It’ll take me a few months, but I’m enjoying the labour-intensive process, which relates to care and repair. I still need to make about 25 more, so it’ll be head down for a few more months!

RSS Talk

I really enjoyed sharing my work in an online talk I gave last week to RSS members. I was so grateful and moved by the responses and feedback, and feeling energised from the conversations. Thanks to Simon Hitchens for inviting me to share my work. Image 1 (below) by Rebecca Newnham - diagram about interconnection while listening to my talk. Image 2: collage done in Sculptors Drawing Space - thinking through ideas for my installation.

Snowdrop Festival

I’ve been commissioned to make 3 giant snowdrop sculptures for the Snowdrop Festival, Shepton Mallet, 19-20 February.  A lot of time is spent gathering materials. I’m using recycled copper piping and wire for the structures and grateful for contributions from Cranmore/Dean residents of plastic and tent fabric, which will be added as a ‘skin’ for the petals, stems and leaves. Do visit the festival if you’re nearby and look out for the sculptures at the entrance to Collett Park, opposite Whitstone School, Shepton Mallet during the Festival.  

As part of the Festival, I’ll be running a wire sculpture workshop at The Art Bank BA4 5AA on Thursday 24th Feb, 10.30am-1.30pm. Further info here.


Pyre is currently on show in Transfiguration, International Biennal 2021, National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, Taiwan, until 12th April ‘22.

I have an image in the solargraphic exhibition Slow Time, at Black Swan Arts. It shows a collection of long-exposure photographs of Somerset landscapes created with recycled drinks cans. I loved learnng about the process in a workshop with Janette Kerr and John Gammans, and looking forward to making more sun trail images with my newly created pin hole can/cameras.

Online sculpture Course

We’re coming up to the final week of a 5-week online course I’ve been running. I’m delighted with the experimental nature of work-in-progress by participants and their feedback so far.  Participants are from various parts of UK and USA, including MA students, art enthusiasts and one who is doing it for a second time.  Content (focused on 3d work using recycled/found materials) includes a weekly blog with content-rich info/demos, Zoom sessions, 1-to-1s, What’s app and instagram sharing: #onlinesculpturecourse2022. Looking forward to our final zoom presentations next week!

Private Tutoring

I’ve started tutoring privately, and enjoying it.  If you’re interested in being tutored in art let me know!

Featured in a Blog

Thanks to Ruth Connolly for her excellent blog which features a section about about my work and practice related to nature and environment, and work I made supporting the brilliant initiative #artforyourworld (via #artistsupportpledge). The donation to World Wildlife Fund from a sale was a small gesture towards helping important environmental projects.


I have signed giclee prints, original drawings and sculptures for sale - do have a look.

Coming soon:

Workshops and resources are being developed with SAW for Greening the Arts - more info soon.


I’m currently reading Merlin Sheldrake’s Entangeld Life and loving it! ‘ As.. vexed hierarchies.. soften, our ruinous attitudes towards the more-than-human world may start to change… ’We’ are ecosystems that span boundaries and transgress categories…Mycelium is… the living seam by which much of our world is stitched into relation… Nature is an event that never stops’..

And I recently read All We Can Save as part of a book circle initiated by Kelly O’Brien. ‘My heart is moved by all I cannot save:

so much has been destroyed

Adrienne Rich

I recommend them both!

Winter News by Fiona

In the Studio

I’m currently exploring layers, patchwork, pattern and tie dye for a new sculptural installation of multiple suspended pieces based on pangolins and their tragic plight. Strange forms are progressing in the studio. I went to Chichester Cathedral for a site visit and to meet curator Jacquline Creswell recently, and now have a beautiful space allocated for my installation. Really excited about the venue and the work we are making for our RSS group sculpture exhibition next summer - ‘Together We Rise’.  Our RSS SW artist group has become quite a tight online community. We discuss practices, ideas, offer advice and support, share exhibition news and talk about our concerns in these strange Covid days..

Using recycled, donated and found materials, I’m making a series of bodily forms and hangings in various states: skeletal, bound, unravelled, sutured, ornamentalised…. I’ve been looking at a range of art from The Ghent Altarpiece and Michelangelo to Arshille Gorky and Annette Messager, aiming for a painting in space.

Pangolins are the most trafficked mammals on earth, now endangered, and nearing extinction; they need all the help they can get for survival. I will be donating 10% of all shop sales (physical products) in December towards Save Pangolins.  And an extra 10% on orders until tomorrow towards David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation’s The Big Give Christmas Challenge. Take a look now!

Ingram Prize 2021

Last month it was exciting to be part of the Ingram Prize exhibition in London. I felt honoured to be selected for the prestigious exhibition. It all hung together so beautifully.

Ingram Prize 2021. Photography by Paul Tucker. Courtesy of The Ingram Collection & Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop

Jo Baring, Director of The Ingram Collection said ‘The Ingram Prize is a barometer of artistic excellence in contemporary British art. 29 exceptional finalists whose bold and startling work encapsulates contemporary themes and issues..’

Glut is a labour of love, and takes a few hours to instal and de-instal. Made in 2018 from found and recycled materials, it’s a wailing in response to environmental issues: waste, consumerism, factory farming, plastic oceans, animal extinctions… And the death of our dog. The materials speak of past lives, loss, textiles, craft; the forms reflect a duality of horror and tenderness.

The Private View was packed and buzzing, it was great to meet the curators, host, artists and catch up with friends and family, who I stayed with during set up and take down. 

As part of the award we attended professional development talks - all helpful info.

You can listen to our artist audios here:

While in London I visited the Tate Modern with my cousin. Loved Anicka Yi’s kinetic floating aerobes and the Phyllida Barlow Artist Rooms. Also saw the diverse RA Summer exhibition - all such a treat. 

For me, it’s increasingly vital to repurpose, recycle, utilise to-hand materials and found objects; I like to connect with meaningful ancient modes of making like stitching, weaving and wrapping - the ‘visceral nature of art-making’ (Yinka Shonibare).

Exhibition in Taiwan

Pyre’ is showing at the 2021/22 Biennal International: Transfiguration, NTCRI, Nantou, Taiwan. It runs until 10th April 2022. There will be a film of the exhibition, which I’ll share asap. I’d love to visit, but it’s unlikely!

Online Sculpture Course

I’m running my 3rd online Sculpture Course: 10/1/22 - 13/2/22.  If interested please email me: or enrol via my shop, where you can find further details.

Online shop

I’ve finally created an e-commerce facility on my website shop, with updated products. There is currently a Bulrush sale - prices of these will go up in January, so order soon!  They are presents that last, made mainly of recycled materials, helping towards a circular economy to avoid waste. Click here to see what else is on offer.

Thanks to Somerset’s VESP business initiative, I was given helpful advice by Melanie Sensicle and Graham Soult. 

Free Workshop

I have a FREE Workshop coming up at The Art Bank, Shepton Mallet on 10th December, 1-3pm. We’ll be making eco Christmas decorations using recycled and found materials including copper wire. To book email me: (limited spaces so book soon)

One of my website updates includes this Chameleon film. Take a tour of my website to see more.

For regular updates visit my instagram page and consider following.

Wishing you a Happy Christmas!

Exhibitions: Black Swan Arts, Fresh Air and 50 Bees by Fiona

Just a brief update on a few exhibitions and events that I’m taking part in this Spring.  I hope you will be able to visit some of them. ‘The Future Can’t Wait’, recently opened in the Long Gallery, Black Swan Arts Centre, 2 Bridge St, Frome, Somerset BA11 1BB, 18 March – 5 April (see attached poster/invite).  A show of exhibits from 30 Bath Spa MA postgraduate students across four disciplines - ceramics, fashion and textiles, fine art and visual communication.

I’ve been involved in linking this up with BBC’s get-creative-weekend.  On Saturday 8 April, from 2-4pm, Black Swan artisans will be offering drop-in taster workshops for adults and children over ten years old, and MA artists will work with young people offering activities for children of all ages, exploring concepts of their current exhibition.  I will be doing one of the workshops.

I’m still working on my piece for Fresh Air ’17.  Too large now for my studio, I am making it outdoors.  Spring weather is helping a lot!  Quenington Old Rectory, Quenington, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 5BN, 11 June – 2 July, open daily 10am-5pm, (£5 Adults, children free).

I’m also making a small sculpture for Fifty BEES: The Interconnectedness of All Things, at ACEarts, Somerton, 1-22 July, open Tues – Sat, 10am-5pm.  The topic is close to my heart.

Have a lovely Spring!