Drawing on Dorset

New Projects by Fiona

January is my least favourite month. I deal with it by cracking on and trying new avenues of research, opportunities and making. I have a few projects on the go: commissioned installations at a popup in Bridgwater (coming soon in February), working on a large-scale textiles piece for Tout Quarry later this year, as part of One Island - Many Visions, and teaching new courses.

Seed Pop Up

I’ll be recreating two art installations in a popup space at Angel Place, Bridgwater, commissioned by Seed Sedgemoor. The first - Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand - relates to the tragic plight of pangolins, the world’s most trafficked mammal. Made from recycled and found materials, it invites visitors to get immersed and consider environmental and conservation issues. This installation, together with a gentle film Life in the Undergrowth, revealing small hidden worlds in my garden during lockdown ‘20, can be experienced at the Seed Creative Popup (Shop 8), Angel Place Shopping Centre TA6 3TQ from 18-23 February, 10.30-4pm. This will be followed in April 8-13th by Flags of the Forest, which explores the beauty and resilience of nature.

Alongside the installations, I’ll be running free drop-in Eco Sculpture Workshops from Tuesday 18 to Saturday 22 February, 11am-2pm at the Popup. Open to all aged 6+ (children accompanied by an adult). No need to book.

I’ll be there daily - come and visit!

Seed’s primary aim is to enable more people in Sedgemoor to actively engage in the creative arts, particularly those who don’t usually do so. This activity is supported with funding from Arts Council England via the Creative People and Places programme.

New Work

Riot’ (working title - above) is developing steadily, planned for an installation in Tout Quarry, Portland, part of One Island - Many Visions exhibition with fellow Royal Society of Sculptors members (Sept/Oct). I started early as things can get busy as the year progresses. Hoping the final work will be used in a performance as part of the show. It’s going to be a fantastic event with symposium, exciting speakers and more.

This work is inspired by Lichen (Xanthoria Parietina) found on rocks at Tout Quarry, their colour, form, and radial growth. It has been created from waste and recycled materials including textiles (some home-dyed with natural pigments including turmeric), wire, beach litter & debris rescued from the sea. These have been hand-stitched, woven, wrapped and bound together to form a layered mass of line, texture and colour.

Among the oldest living and slowest growing organisms on Earth, and first to colonise new land, Lichen absorb large quantities of carbon dioxide. The rocks are made up of skeletal micro organisms such as diatoms built up over millennia, and the ancient life forms now growing on them - lichen - are a symbiotic relationship of algae, fungi and cyanobacteria.

My labour-intensive processes relate to care and repair. Reflecting on ‘troubled beauty’ in our unstable world, symbiosis and vascular threads as universal rules of nature. Detritus, the fabric of earth, in collaboration, weaving together to make new worlds.

Now to stitch it all together! If I have time I’ll make another smaller piece. Hoping to try it out soon as a wearable artwork.

Grateful to Chris Black for letting me use the space at Zig Zag building, Glastonbury.

New Courses

I‘ve been enjoying running courses in person and online. My Creative Sketchboooking course offers a variety of processes covering drawing (indoors & out), painting, and collage. It’s been good fun! My next series start in a month - if interested please book soon as places are filling up!

(Images below include participants’ work by Sarah Bayly, Alice Irving, Ingrid Sosrin & Sanita Gourley)

Other News

Two of my drawings are currently on show at Drawing on Dorset, The Sherborne, Drawing Room, Dorset, DT9 3JG, daily from 23 November - 23 March, an exhibition which has toured venues in the South West.
The venue has been spectacularly refurbished, thanks to the late Michael Cannon’s enormous generosity.

My drawings represent the overlooked - often small organisms - which fascinate me. These forms recur in my work in different guises including sculptural and textiles work.

Christmas Wishes by Fiona

Winding down into winter, I’ve been enjoying some quiet solitary making. Working slowly towards an exhibition One Island - Many Visions for next year, with fellow Royal Society of Sculptors members, in collaboration with Portland Sculpture Quarry Trust. I’m interested in Lichen (Xanthoria Parietina) found on rocks at Tout Quarry, their colour, form, and radial growth. Among the oldest living and slowest growing organisms on Earth, the first to colonise new land, Lichen absorb large quantities of carbon dioxide. It seems fitting that my making is a slow, meditative process. I’ve been gathering materials, dyeing recycled fabric with turmeric, onion skins and avocado pits, wrapping and hand-stitching. Looking forward to another trip to Portland this weekend to collect beach litter for the work. Thanks to those who have donated remnants. If you have any spare orange or yellow waste textiles please get in touch!

Drawing on Dorset

Two of my charcoal drawings are currently on exhibition at The Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 3JG, part of Dorset Visual Arts Drawing on Dorset, which has toured venues in the South West. The show is in the Drawing Room and runs daily from 23 November - 23 March.

Sprouting Potato, charcoal on Arches paper

Dandelion Roots, charcoal on Somerset paper

If you’d like to purchase a drawing, please get in touch!

I have 3 pieces on show created from discarded piano parts in The Piano Shop Bath, 1&2 Canton Place BA1 6AA, created for Played and Remade. Available for sale and online.

A few images of my work from Elemental, an exhibition at Sou Sou West Gallery, Bridport, Dorset last month. I showed with Jan Alison Edwards and Ally Matthews.

Maquette I, Above and Below; recycled and found materials

Foreground: work by Jan Alison Edwards; Background: my Stilt Structure II

Nymph; found, discarded, recycled materials: fabric dyed with botanical inks, jute, teabags, paper, oil, rhubarb leaves, wood, wire, wood & other natural debris, hair, shoe inner sole, copper, wax, thread, sisal

Nymph (collage); recycled materials: paper, plant debris, fabric, teabags, cardboard

Foreground: Maquette I, Above and Below; on wall: work by Ally Matthews; Background: Stilt Structure II

My work on show at Elemental, Sou Sou West Gallery

Alongside the exhibition, I ran a weekend Eco Sculpture Workshop with Jan Alison Edwards. Below are pics of some of the wonderful experimentation by participants.

Stilt Structure I (detail); found & recycled materials

Seed Commission

Thrilled to have been commissioned by Seed Sedgemoor to create installations for a popup in Angel Place Shopping Centre, Bridgwater TA6 3QT from February ’25. Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand & Life in the Undergrowth will be showing 18-23 Feb. Flags of the Forest will open 8–13 April.  I’ll be at the Seed Creative Popup, Angel Place 18-22 Feb, and running Eco Sculpture Workshops daily, 11am-2pm. Free, fun, and open to everyone aged 6+ (children with an adult). Do drop in!

Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand (detail), Together We Rise, Chichester Cathedral. Photo by Anne Purkiss

Flags of the Forest, Wander_Land, Tremenhere Sculpture Gardens

Seed’s primary aim is to enable more people in Sedgemoor to actively engage in the creative arts. This activity is supported by Arts Council England via the Creative People and Places programme.

New Courses

To kick off the New Year I’ll be running a series of 5 week Sketchbooking and Eco Sculpture Courses from January onwards via Frome Community Education, day and eves.  Please visit this link to see them all, for further info, and to book.

Also: Mon eve 7-9pm, 24/2, 10/3, 17/3, 24/3, 31/3

Also: Mon morning 10am-12noon, 13/1, 20/1, 27/1, 3/2, 10/2

I’ll also be running my Online Sculpture Course from 13 January - 9 February ’25. Visit this link for further details or email me fionacampbell-art@sky.com. Alternatively, I have an ongoing self-directed Online Sculpture Course available at half the price.

See my shop for hand-made gifts and artworks. And do follow my instagram for regular updates.

If you missed As Old as the Hills, please visit my previous blog.

Looking forward to some time off over the festive break. Wishing you the same, and a very Happy Christmas! X

Bumper Year by Fiona

Glut at Gilbert Bayes Award 2019 Winners Exhibition, Royal Society of Sculptors, London

Glut at Gilbert Bayes Award 2019 Winners Exhibition, Royal Society of Sculptors, London

Thinking back over this year of highlights and achievements, I have a lot to be thankful for. 2019 has been a bumper year for me. Peppered with a whole range of community projects, workshops, new work, awards and exhibitions, it has been a turning point in my artistic career.

I was delighted to be invited to give a valedictory speech at my MFA graduation ceremony, Bath Spa Uni at the start of this year. Fuelled by the MFA, my work developed over the year. Ladders became a theme I explored - from an Outdoor Arts Development Course with Activate, B-Side & Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival, to my Cells Residency and Solo exhibition at Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, which in turn led to B-Wing - a project I co-curated with Luminara Star at Shepton Mallet Prison, as part of Somerset Art Weeks Festival. Gaining an Arts Council England/National Lottery project grant amongst other funding awards for B-Wing enabled me to reach new heights in scale and ambition. As part of B-Wing, I worked with various community groups and schools. I was interviewed on ITV South West by Ben McGrail, and loved meeting John McCarthy, who opened our Special Events Day. I worked with some wonderful inspiring artists including Lou Baker, whose work resonates with my own.

Winning a Gilbert Bayes Award with the Royal Society of Sculptors, of which I am now a member, was a real highlight. Development sessions over the year with a talented cohort has concluded with an exhibition currently on at RSS, London, touring to Grizedale Sculpture in March 2020.

Other exhibitions included Incendiary and Drawing on Dorset (touring show), both of which have mileage for future shows in 2020. Over the summer I made a large site-specific outdoor piece Crown of Thorns, shown at the entrance to Bishops Palace, Wells, in Re-Formation curated by Heritage Courtyard Gallery.

Crown of Thorns, Re-Formation at Bishops Palace. Photo by Ann Cook

Crown of Thorns, Re-Formation at Bishops Palace. Photo by Ann Cook

Some of my workshops and community projects brought about new collaborations and friendships. Working with students at Bruton School for Girls led to a room-sized installation. I recently gave a talk to Bath University architecture students and will be participating in their final review. In the New Year I’m running a short sculpture course starting 8 January for 5 weeks on Wednesdays 6-8pm at the Cheese & Grain, Frome (book via Frome Community Education).

A few commissions and sales have kept the wolf from the door. I made a Great Crested Newt for Carymoor Environmental Trust, a series of swans necks for a celebrity’s winter garden (based on a lake theme, the swans’ bodies will be bushes), and sold Butterfly on Spiky Pod via Art Parks.

Swan necks awaiting collection for their new home in a celeb’s garden

Swan necks awaiting collection for their new home in a celeb’s garden

My new website here on Squarespace, created this year, gives my work a fresh face.

I owe thanks to so many for their support: Royal Society of Sculptors, Patricia Brien, Town Hall Arts, Somerset Art Works, Arts Council England, Somerset Skills and Learning, Somerset Community Foundation, Shepton Mallet Town Council, Heritage Courtyard Gallery, Shepton Mallet Prison/Jailhouse Tours, and Nick Weaver for his technical assistance. There are many more I could thank too…

Happy New Year! Here’s wishing you a positive start to 2020!

Winter News by Fiona

Last month I plunged into completing a studio renovation project, started earlier this year. Consequently, I have space to breathe and work in my freshened up outbuilding/studio! My welding bay is now sited separately in a converted shed. Storage space is always an issue, but for now, all my large pieces that need weather protection are safely under cover.

I gave a couple of talks about my work - one to an audience of 3rd year architecture students at Bath University. It was an interesting exercise in re-evaluating my practice through a different lens.


I’m excited to have been selected for Art UK’s Masterpieces in Schools programme, 2020 delivery. I will be working with a South West school making sculpture based on one of my pieces on loan to the school for a day. It will be interesting to see which one they pick.

Forthcoming Exhibitions and Courses:

Two of my sculptures have been selected for the Royal Society of Sculptors Gilbert Bayes Award 2019 Winners Exhibition - Glut and Of Bones. The exhibition opens 16 December - 20 March, Mon-Fri, 11am-5pm, Dora House, RSS, 108 Old Brompton Rd, S.Kensington, London SW7 3RA. Private View 18 Dec, 6.30pm (RSVP exhibition@sculptors.org.uk). I’m in great company, the other Gilbert Bayes winners are all excellent and very diverse. I’ve really enjoyed my year getting to know them and attending some inspiring RSS development sessions. Our work will tour to Grizedale Sculpture, Cumbria, from March 2020.


I’m working on a new piece for FIFTY BEES 4: The Interconnectedness of All Things. My work will be associated with the Hoplitis Claviventris welted mason bee, one of 50 bees by 50 artists. They will accompany life-sized felted bees by artist/curator Lydia Needle. I’ve been researching the mason bee’s path of pollination. My piece will be an abstract sculptural installation, essentially reflecting connections of bee to pollen, using recycled materials including foodstuff. The exhibition runs 8 February - 14 March 2020, Black Swan Arts Gallery, 2 Bridge Street, Frome BA11 1BB


I’ll be taking part in Incendiary 2, Pound Arts, Corsham, 19 March - 18 April 2020, curated by Patricia Brien. More news to follow.

Sculpture Course

Happily, my first 5 week evening course making organic sculptures from recycled materials at Frome Community Education went well, so I am running another 5 week Sculpture Course on Wednesdays 6-8pm, from 8 January 2020.  If you’d like to book please visit: fromecommed.org.uk

For other workshops please see Forthcoming Workshops

I’ve been getting inspiration from various sources: I attended a bronze casting workshop at Hauser & Wirth Somerset, my first attempt at bronze casting. I visited Mary Sibande at Somerset House, London, who’s work moved me to tears. I went on an an art walk & talk with James Aldridge and took part in a drawing session with Lydia Halcrow in Bristol, part of A Gathering of Unasked Possibility, Centrespace Gallery, curated by Kelly O’Brien and Judith Rodgers, a memorable experience connecting with each other and our surroundings, particularly nature.

Following the touring exhibition Drawing on Dorset, my work now features in a lovely book on contemporary drawing. I have copies available to purchase if you’d like one: £15 (+pp). It’s a beautiful soft back publication with excellent quality images reflecting a wide range of drawing media and styles by some incredible South West artists. A great Christmas gift ;-)


I also have sets of mixed greetings cards for sale at an offer price of 3 x A5 @ £7; 6 x A6 @ £8 (+pp). Contact me in interested.

Report writing continues for B-Wing, but nearly there!

I’m working on a garden sculpture commission in time for Christmas; hoping to clear the decks by then for some celebration time!

Have a fabulous Christmas!

My hopes are that 2020 brings us to our senses - more green and harmonious ;-)

B-Wing Funding Success & New Developments by Fiona

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B-Wing artists for Somerset Life-artists. Photo by Geoff Dunlop.jpg

June brought a stream of thrilling news. After months of what seemed like never-ending funding applications and a long waiting game to hear our results, B-Wing received several grants in succession for our art in prison project. This will enable us to pay artists and engage the wider community in a series of special events including free workshops, talks and exhibition tours. We are so grateful to Arts Council England and The National Lottery for awarding B-Wing a project grant.  We have also received match-funding from Somerset Community Foundation, Shepton Town Council and Cranmore Parish Council - huge thanks to them and to all our supporters (see our website for a full list). It has been worth all the meetings and late nights at the computer. Now onto the next stages of curating and making.

I’m co-curating B-Wing with Luminara Star, alongside 6 other artists/writers. 8 of us will be installing a range of site-responsive visual art, poetry and text-based artworks in the unique spaces of B Wing, Shepton Mallet Prison for Somerset Art Weeks Festival 2019 (21 Sept - 6 Oct).

All the B-Wing artists met together at Shepton Mallet prison recently to celebrate.  Ideas are accumulating, and new collaborations brewing. I’ll be collaborating on work with Lou Baker and Scott Sandford on an immersive piece.

We now have our logo designed (by Chris Lee) and hard work continues, moving the project forward.

black circle.jpg

In the next couple of months, we are engaging the local community in free one-off workshops leading up to the main exhibition. I’m running 2 free workshops for adults on 23 July and 6 August, creating collaborative artworks (all abilities welcome), to be exhibited at our exhibition ( see poster). We aim to engage the local Shepton community as much as possible. We are also leading workshops at Whitstone schools and a Shepton home ed group this July, and offering free additional workshops for schools at the prison during Somerset Art Weeks as part of the prison’s educational package. For info on these and special events visit B-Wing Community Events and follow us on our social media channels: instagram, twitter and facebook (@bwing2019) #bwing2019 #artbehindbars .

To book a workshop email: bwingsheptonprison@gmail.com


For my B-Wing artwork, I have a few ideas on the go and am looking forward to getting cracking during my residency at the prison in August. I will be working on site using the Servery in B-Wing as my Studio. Some of my B-Wing work is going to be quite large, so making part of it on site will make logistics simpler .

I recently discovered Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Tavola VII (The Bridge), from The Imaginary Prisons series, 1745, thanks to a talk by Helene Bremer at Grow Flow symposium, Pound Arts, Wiltshire. The work reinforced ideas I’ve been developing for months around the theme of rickety ladders. Like the game snakes and ladders, humans seem imprisoned in an eternal cycle of striving, greed, pain, suffering and evil. Louise Bourgeois wrote a series of short stories - illustrated as 9 engravings. ‘He disappeared into complete silence’ features skeletal buildings, claustrophobic cells, dysfunctional spaces, human frailty, separation, isolation. Her floating ladders (plate 8) relate to the story of a man who ‘became cut off from part of the world’ through deafness. My large-scale installation for B-Wing will reflect on similar notions.

He Disappeared into complete silence, plate 8, Bourgeois.jpg
Prison sketch 1.jpg


Last week I installed my large sculptural installation Crowns of Thorns for a summer group show Re-Formation at Bishops Palace, Wells, organised by Heritage Courtyard Gallery. It’s made from various re-purposed older works (more than 7), using scrap steel, lead, a hand-woven net made from recycled materials (Canopy, 2016, originally created for RHS Chelsea Flower Show), and glass. The install was a long process, as is often the case with my work, thanks to my son Jack for all his help loading and unloading. I’m so grateful that the weather has allowed me to work outside, as the scale is too large for my increasingly cramped studio. Crown of Thorns investigates ideas about religion and myth, rethinking our belief systems. I’ve really enjoyed working with lead and glass again, playing with their capabilities, both respond so differently to heat and fusion. The materials speak of flux, transformation, contrast, collapse. The exhibition runs from 22nd July - 6 October. Private View 10 August, 6.30-9pm, all welcome!

Screenshot 2019-07-14 at 09.20.42.png

Drawing on Dorset

My work Traces is included in a publication and exhibition Drawing on Dorset, currently at Fine Foundation Gallery, Durlston, Swanage - an idyllic setting. Part of Durlston Castle, it overlooks the sea, Studland and Isle of Wight. The Private View was held on a perfect summer evening this week, a packed event, which included a panel discussion about the practice of drawing, led by Anita Taylor. Tania Kovats read her beautiful introduction to the book, which begins ‘Make a mark, leave trace, something against nothing...’ I feel honoured to be a part of the exhibition and publication, alongside some great South West artists. The show runs til 17n July, then tours to the Lighthouse, Poole Centre for the Arts, 6-29 Sept.


Marks Hall Summer Exhibition

I delivered my Verticals and Giant Nest to Marks Hall Estate, Coggeshall, Essex last week - 9 hours round trip! Pleased to be showing work in such a beautiful landscape.



Due to the nature of my work and my increasingly tight studio space, I’ve spent a few weekends sorting out and fixing 3 old dilapidated sheds in my garden, which will become storage and work spaces. I’m making good progress thanks to the help of Jason Nosworthy and Nick Weaver.


I’ve run a range of workshops recently - the furthest was a sculpture workshop using recycled materials at Nottingham High School; a long way to go in a day but what a delightful set of outcomes from 40 Yr 9 students!

For further news of my forthcoming workshops and exhibitions please visit this link.

Happy summer days ahead!